SOUND. TRACK. SPACE. Is an experience combining running, music, and innovative design created by Nike and French design group Paulin, Paulin, Paulin. With over a hundred years of combined commitment to design innovation, Nike and Paulin have dedicated their practices to progressively elevating human experiences through daring designs in service of the body. After exploring the innovation histories of Nike and Paulin, the visit culminates in a never before seen Video Barnum program built to immerse you in a multi-sensory running inspired experience.
Nike and Paulin are well known for their obsession with innovating for bodily sensation, discovering distinct ergonomic forms through decades of research and development. The centrepiece of this exhibition is an emblematic outcome of this mutual pursuit. Like many innovations, the world was not ready for the Tapis-Siége (Carpet Seat) when Paulin conceived the idea over 50 years ago. The idea came when he started to believe that the future of furniture was in its disappearance—instead, creating ‘programs’, modular furniture systems that could fluidly facilitate experimental communal experiences of space. Through this partnership, Pierre’s 1985 vision for Video Barnum comes to life augmented with an internal sound system and immersive video for a new perspective on running.